We have entered Vermont’s classic Mud Season, and that means the time has come to close the trails. The trail system out of Fairgrounds, Endless Brook, Country Club, and Delaney Woods is closed now through mud season.
What is Mud Season?
With the arrival of spring, the frozen earth thaws from the top down, with the frozen bottom layer providing a barrier to drainage. As the surface melts, water pools and saturates the top layer of our roads, woods, and – of course – trails. As temperatures fluctuate, it can take weeks for the frozen earth to fully thaw down to the frost line and allow for proper drainage.
When will the trails be open again?
Once we have a prolonged period where temperatures are above freezing, chances are that an end to mud season won’t be far behind. But – just like any other time of year – trail conditions are entirely local. And just because a trail is wet doesn’t mean it’s unrideable – necessarily. What makes trails so fragile during mud season is the persistent frozen layer deep beneath the trail that prevents drainage and creates a water-logged surface.
What if I ride anyway? (
- Trail damage: Riding muddy trails damages the trail tread and requires SVT to divert resources away from other projects. It can also cause irreparable damage if gullies and drainage issues are caused, leading to extended trail reroutes and closures.
- Our image: If we as a community become known for irresponsible trail use, it will become increasingly difficult to gain approval for new trails and capitalize on all the good we do in terms of building and maintaining trails. This has real, long-term consequences to our ability to protect and grow our trail networks.
- Your bike: Riding in sloppy conditions will assuredly accelerate the wear of your drivetrain, suspension, and bearings. Getting replacement parts could become more challenging, in addition to the higher costs and downtime associated with repairs.
What Happens Next?
Once the rest of the snow melts, our Trail Steward volunteers will be out assessing what needs to be tackled so trails can be prepped for the spring opening. If you’d like to get involved in spring clean up, send an email to If you’re interested in becoming a trail steward you can read about it here-> SVT Trail Steward
Volunteer Spring Clean Up day will be announced in the coming weeks and we hope to see you there.
Thank you for your patience and respect! See you on the trails once they’re ready!