Dig-in & Get Involved With Slate Valley Trails
Volunteer for
Slate Valley Trails
There are many ways you can get involved!
- Join us at a trail work day
- Lead or co-lead an outing
- Join a committee (Trails, Events, Marketing, Promotions & Fundraising)
- Help plan or volunteer at an event
- Become a volunteer trail steward or join the trail crew
- Become a trail work crew leader
- Organize a corporate trail work day for you and your co-workers
- Donate an in-kind item or service to our organization
What’s Next for Trail Maintenance and Stewardship of Slate Valley Trails?
Thanks for Considering Joining Slate Valley Trails!
How You Can Help
Slate Valley Trails hosts outings and events with the help of volunteers!

Become a Trail Steward
Seeking Trail Stewards for new trails between Endless Brook and Fairgrounds trailheads as well as for Delaney Woods!
If interested email info@slatevalleytrails.org

Become a Trail Crew Member
Seeking new members to fill out our roster of dedicated volunteers designated to respond and take care of emergency trail maintenance issues, such as blowdowns, that are reported within the SVT Trail Network. Tool operation training available for committed volunteers.
If interested email info@slatevalleytrails.org
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