Lake St. Catherine State Park offers 1.8 miles of hiking trails, some of which are open to biking. This short trail network is located on the north side of the park and winds through woods and meadows.

The Woods Trail begins at the footbridge at the north end of the day-use parking area. From there the trail winds its way through a meadow with islands of trees, apple trees and opportunities for birding. The trail is on flat terrain and winds its way back toward the park entrance road. The Meadow Trail intersects the Woods Trail near its eastern end. This trail climbs a short distance and follows a ridge through the forest before descending back to the meadow, where it follows a mowed path. The bridge has steps on one side.

Biking is allowed on parts of the Woods and Meadow trails as well as on a short, one-way (downhill) only trail. Bikers should yield to pedestrians on the multi-use trails. Please follow signs to ensure that you are staying on biking and multi-use trails.